
Imprint for the website

Information provided in accordance with § 18 Abs. 2 MStV (German State Media Treaty) 

Responsible for the content of this website: 

Liz Mohn Center gGmbH 
Carl-Bertelsmann-Str. 256 
33311 Gütersloh

Tel: +49 5241-8101 
Fax: +49 5241-816277 
E-mail: info (at) 


Headquartered in Gütersloh, the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH is entered in the Commercial Register of the Gütersloh District Court under HRB 12556. It pursues solely and directly philanthropic activities in accordance with the section “Tax-Privileged Purposes” of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabeordnung, AO).  

VAT Identification Number: 

DE 348647714  

Managing Directors: 

Matthias Meis 
Dr. Jörg Habich 

Responsible for content

Matthias Meis, Managing Director 
Dr. Jörg Habich, Managing Director 


In spite of ongoing editorial control, we accept no liability for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of this website’s contents. Any accessing of its contents takes place at the user’s own discretion and risk. No contractual agreement between the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH and users ensues through access of the website. Articles authored by external contributors and designated as such do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH. The Liz Mohn Center gGmbH excludes all liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website. This does not include liability for malice and gross negligence.

This website contains links to external Internet sites maintained by other providers. These links are purely informational in nature and are checked at the time of installation for any potential illegalities. Links provided here evinced no illegalities; we have no influence on their subsequent development.  The operators of any linked sites are therefore solely responsible for their content. The Liz Mohn Center gGmbH is not responsible for any content changed following installation of external links. Unless concrete evidence exists, we do not monitor external links for illegal activities. 

Should we be made aware of illegal activity, we will immediately remove the link in question or the relevant contents from our website. 


The contents of this website are subject to German copyright laws. To the extent that no other agreement has been reached regarding documents depicted or offered for download on this website, prior permission from the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH or the relevant copyright holder is required for any use of information offered here, especially reproduction, processing, dissemination and any form of alteration. Copies and downloads are permitted only for private, non-commercial purposes. 

Image copyright notice: 

Images or footage on this website, unless otherwise noted, have been provided courtesy of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Images on the home page have been licensed from

Design and technical implementation: 

meap GmbH
Agentur für Kommunikation und Design
Annenstraße 172
58453 Witten
Telephone: +49 (0)2302-8793-0

Hosting: GmbH & Co. KG
Klingenderstr. 5
33100 Paderborn
Telephone: +49 (0)5251-777418-0 

As of: August 2022